BeSafe Group: Bridging the Gap Between Insurance and Travel

Revolutionizing the Travel and Hospitality Sector with Tech-driven Solutions!

Safety is a top priority for everyone. Whether it’s a solo trip to an exotic location or a family vacation, people want to ensure that they are protected against any unforeseen circumstances. 

BeSafe Group has disrupted the travel and hospitality industries with its innovative tech products and software solutions since its establishment in 2017. The company, under the leadership of CEO Alessandro Bartolucci, aims to become the benchmark for safe travel. BeSafe Group’s mission is to connect two previously disconnected domains, the insurance sector, and the travel industry, by offering solutions that cater to the unique needs of both industries.

BeSafe Group’s focus on customer experience is paramount, providing seamless transactions, security, and certainty to travelers and hospitality operators. The company’s comprehensive system ensures the safety and certainty of prepaid transactions, going beyond conventional non-refundable rates, empowering travelers with peace of mind while enhancing their overall travel experience.

BeSafe Group leverages technology to provide innovative solutions to the industry. Its emphasis on digitalization and cutting-edge software development streamlines processes, enhances efficiency, and improves the overall quality of services. The company transforms the way the industry operates, ensuring a seamless and secure experience for both travelers and hospitality operators.

Being the benchmark for safe travel, BeSafe Group sets high standards for safety and security. The company utilizes advanced technologies to offer comprehensive insurance coverage tailored specifically for the travel and hospitality sectors. This forward-thinking approach not only protects travelers but also provides peace of mind to hospitality operators, creating a win-win situation for all stakeholders involved.

Let us delve into their odyssey of triumph!

Hotelier Empowering the Industry

An ardent hotelier since 2006, Alessandro Bartolucci has consistently prioritized innovation as a core tenet of his business strategy. In a bid to revamp the hospitality sector, he established BeSafe Group, a comprehensive suite of cutting-edge digital tools tailored for both hotel and non-hotel lodgings and designed to streamline hoteliers’ operations. BeSafe products seek to maximize and digitize vital hospitality and travel processes.

Revolutionizing Travel and Insurance

Alessandro opines that the foremost necessity was to establish an intersection between two distinct realms that lacked harmonious communication in the past: the insurance sector and the travel market. He also aimed to cater to the requisites of his enterprise while ensuring the overall contentment of travelers who preferred booking their vacations at his lodgings. Alessandro intended to devise a commodity that would assure and warrant advance payments, while simultaneously providing superior amenities and services to guests in a manner that conventional “Non-repayable” tariffs were inadequate to achieve.

Customized Policies and Exceptional Customer Service

Despite the burgeoning demand for travel insurance, the sector has been unable to make any substantial progress. Alessandro bemoans the fact that purchasing travel insurance online is typically a convoluted process, which frequently culminates in an additional 10% insurance cost being appended to the final invoice. “What consumers crave is a customized insurance policy that can assure reimbursement in the event of trip cancellations or unforeseen circumstances, and provide outstanding customer service throughout the entire process,” says Alessandro!

Pay and BeSafe Rate

Presently, BeSafe offers two fundamental commodities: BeSafe Rate and BeSafe Pay. The BeSafe Rate is a covered rate that seamlessly integrates into the hotel administration system, sanctioning voyagers to book and indemnify their ensuing excursion directly from the hotel website. On the contrary, the newly-introduced BeSafe Pay, the payment portal fashioned exclusively for the hospitality industry, mechanizes the entire payment process for insured reservations. Its functionalities enable hoteliers to reconcile payments with reservation rosters in real time, furnish installment schemes, and expedite instantaneous bank transfers.

Approach to Leadership

Alessandro espouses the notion of distributing success among his team, as he never harbors any desire to attain the peak of success on his own. Furthermore, he aspires to embody the virtues of impartiality and fidelity, which he considers the cornerstones of engendering trust among people. Lastly, he endeavors to act as a role model for his team, motivating and acknowledging them while making them feel like an indispensable element of the company’s expansion. He regards loyalty as a reciprocal relationship. He anticipates the same level of loyalty he invests in the people he confides in. In return, he provides them with extensive support and encouragement. He is averse to the idea of letting anyone down and, therefore, strives to ensure their satisfaction throughout the journey.

Cardinal Principles

Alessandro firmly upholds three cardinal principles: dispatch, exceptional customer service, and innovation. His team has diligently toiled alongside him to revamp the insurance industry, transforming it from a dated, profit-driven field to one that is astute and customer-focused. Alessandro is convinced that mere salesmanship is inadequate. “We must digitize the insurance sector,” he proclaims. Consequently, they are striving to create customized and user-friendly products that are easy to activate and that promise prompt reimbursements to travelers. Currently, they offer three types of BeSafe Rates, customized to cater to the specific requirements of any hotel: BeSafe Summer, BeSafe Winter, and BeSafe Business.