Karin Volo: Transforming Business Through Culture

A Global Expert in Organizational Development and Employee Engagement!

Attracting and retaining great talent is a complex and dynamic process that requires a strategic approach and a supportive environment. One of the key factors that can significantly impact this process is having a great mentor who understands the intricacies of talent attraction and retention.

A mentor is an experienced and trusted advisor who plays a crucial role in guiding and nurturing the growth of individuals within an organization. When it comes to attracting and retaining talent, a great mentor can make a world of difference. One such mentor driving positive change and inspiring organizations to thrive through the power of culture is Karin Volo, the dynamic CEO and Director at Evoloshen, a trailblazing company on a mission to revolutionize business through the transformational force of organizational culture.

For over two decades, Karin has been a driving force in fostering organizational excellence. With a remarkable career spanning Fortune 500 companies across the globe, she has garnered unparalleled expertise in organizational culture, employee engagement, and personal and organizational development.

Karin’s journey took an adventurous turn when she moved from the United States to Sweden in 2000. Armed with a background in sales and executive search, she embarked on a path of her own creation, recognizing that the key to success in a foreign land was to follow her passion for empowering individuals and organizations. This pivotal realization gave birth to Evoloshen, a company with a mission to revolutionize businesses through the transformative power of culture.

The turning point in Karin’s career arrived with the release of her internationally bestselling book, “Engage!” A compelling exploration of crafting exceptional company cultures, this masterpiece catapulted her into the world of professional speaking and training. As leaders and organizations sought her expertise on engagement, purpose, and trust, her focus shifted from simply recruiting top talent to empowering companies to attract and retain extraordinary individuals.

Evoloshen, the embodiment of Karin’s unwavering belief in continuous growth and evolution, became her platform to inspire lasting change. Her career path naturally aligned with her passion and purpose, leading her to become a renowned international bestselling author, speaker, and consultant. Karin’s indomitable spirit and dedication to empowering organizations and individuals have left an indelible mark on the corporate landscape.

Join us as we delve deeper into her journey!

Evoloshen: Transforming Businesses Through Purpose-Driven Culture

Transforming businesses through culture is at the core of Evoloshen’s mission. As trusted advisors to CEOs and leaders, they specialize in training and developing both leaders and employees, fostering a culture of purpose, deep connection, and effective collaboration. With a strong focus on building a great company culture, Evoloshen helps leaders understand the value of their people and emphasizes trust as the foundation of success.

In the year 2021, the importance of reimagining organizational culture has never been greater, and Evoloshen stands as a guiding force for leaders who are committed to creating thriving and caring cultures within their companies. Their expertise in training, coaching, and supporting leaders enables the building of high levels of trust, the discovery of purpose beyond profit, and the enhancement of employee engagement.

For aspiring leaders, Evoloshen’s founder, Karin, emphasizes the significance of finding one’s purpose, as it serves as a powerful driving force to overcome challenges. In the current landscape, the presence of female leaders is of paramount importance. Women, with their innate caring nature, have a unique ability to create nurturing cultures within companies where genuine human connections flourish, and people can truly thrive.

At the heart of Evoloshen’s success lies its international team, which practices what it preaches. With a foundation of trust and integrity, the team demonstrates a high level of engagement and a passion for creativity. This passion drives them to support innovative high-tech companies that are making a positive impact in the world.

The team’s commitment to service is evident in their client engagements, delivering quality and impactful solutions. Evoloshen’s approach goes beyond mere transactional work; they genuinely care about their clients’ success and strive to make a meaningful difference in their journey of cultural transformation.

Door-to-Door Sales to Entrepreneurial Success

Karin’s journey from door-to-door sales to becoming a successful entrepreneur and leader is a testament to her unwavering determination and resilience. Starting at a young age, she embarked on a challenging path in door-to-door sales in the perfume industry, which provided invaluable lessons in salesmanship and tenacity. Despite the hardships, Karin excelled in this demanding environment, and her early experiences laid the foundation for her future success.

By the age of 22, Karin took a bold step and opened her own office, managing a team of over 20 salespeople. However, the relentless workload took a toll on her well-being, leading her to transition into the field of Executive Search. This move provided her with a wealth of insights and experiences across various industries, including the opportunity to work with Fortune 500 companies.

Throughout her career, Karin has earned well-deserved recognition for her work in culture, engagement, and trust. Among her achievements, Evoloshen’s recent accolade by HR Tech Outlook as one of the Top 10 Organizational Development companies in Europe stands out as a proud moment. Karin attributes this success to the dedicated efforts of her team, acknowledging that the work they do is a collective endeavor.

For Karin, success extends beyond external recognition; it is a deeply personal and individualized concept. She believes that each person must define their own version of success, reflecting on their aspirations, values, and life goals. There is no one-size-fits-all definition of success, and she encourages everyone to embark on an introspective journey to discover what success truly means to them.

Triumph Over Adversity

Karin’s journey to success has not been without its share of extraordinary challenges and roadblocks. However, what sets her apart is her remarkable ability to turn adversity into an opportunity for growth and transformation. Her personal story is nothing short of riveting, marked by resilience and the unwavering determination to create something positive out of even the darkest circumstances.

In her memoir titled “1,352 Days,” Karin opens up about a four-year nightmare that shaped her personal purpose and inspired her to help others thrive in their lives, regardless of the challenges they face. During this tumultuous period, she found herself wrongly held in a high-security jail, despite never being convicted of a crime. The unfortunate ordeal stemmed from her trust in and marriage to an individual who turned out to be a professional con man, using her name in his fraudulent activities.

As she recounts the horrors of this experience, Karin’s memoir becomes a powerful tale of resilience and triumph over adversity. Despite facing unimaginable challenges, she emerged from the ordeal with a determination to teach others how to not only survive but thrive in the face of life’s most difficult circumstances. The profound impact of this harrowing experience became the catalyst for the transformative work she now does through Evoloshen.

Through her journey of personal growth and empowerment, Karin discovered her life’s purpose: to empower individuals to overcome challenges, build resilience, and embrace their full potential. Her own story of resilience and triumph serves as a source of inspiration and strength for those facing difficult situations.

Dynamic Leadership

Karin Volo is not a leader who rests on her laurels; she is a dynamic force driving positive change and continuous growth. As the CEO and Director of Evoloshen, she wears many hats and remains actively involved with key clients, creating and conducting training sessions in close partnership with them. Her hands-on approach ensures that she stays connected to the heart of her company and maintains a deep understanding of her clients’ needs.

In addition to her role at Evoloshen, Karin has taken on the position of Chief Inspiration Officer for the Inspiring Workplaces initiative in Stockholm. In this capacity, she leverages her expertise and passion for creating thriving cultures to inspire and uplift workplaces across the city. As a true advocate for organizational excellence, she is committed to transforming businesses into nurturing environments where employees can flourish and reach their full potential.

Karin’s dedication to sharing knowledge and insights extends beyond her work at Evoloshen and Inspiring Workplaces. She remains an avid writer, authoring monthly articles and a newsletter that disseminates valuable information and guidance on organizational culture, leadership, and personal development. Her writing showcases her deep understanding of these subjects and her desire to support individuals and organizations on their journey to success.

Furthermore, Karin is a firm believer in the power of conversation and continuous learning. As the host of TheAmazingLeaderSeries.com podcast, she engages in meaningful discussions with progressive CEOs, seeking to uncover their strategies for bringing value and innovation to their organizations. Through these insightful interviews, she disseminates valuable lessons and inspiration to her audience, enriching the leadership landscape with valuable insights.

Empowering Clients with Effective Tools

“My one word always comes down to joy,” said Karin. “When our clients come to understand our tools and apply them, you can see the visceral effect it has on them. They are happier, more engaged, and more at ease even when they are dealing with those difficult conversations.”

The Gratitude Guru

Karin firmly believes in the power of gratitude as a cornerstone value, a potent tool, and a means to foster a thriving culture. At Evoloshen, she ensures that every meeting commences with a round of gratitude, where everyone shares their expressions of appreciation. According to her, neuroscience has validated the positive effects of gratitude, as it triggers the release of oxytocin, the “Feel good” chemical crucial for overall health and well-being. And true to her principles, Karin practices what she preaches by prioritizing her health, maintaining a focused approach, eating well, and engaging in regular workouts, at least four times a week, to achieve peak performance.

Expanding Horizons

In line with her usual approach, Karin’s vision for Evoloshen is fueled by her own learning and rich experiences. As a dedicated leader, she consistently seeks growth and development through collaborations with coaches and participation in mastermind groups. Looking ahead, Evoloshen is set to broaden its offerings in the upcoming year by introducing team coaching. This not only proves to be a powerful tool for instigating cultural change but also aligns with Karin’s deep-rooted vision of making a positive impact on a larger scale. Her aspiration revolves around reaching as many individuals as possible to not only benefit their respective companies but also unlock their full potential.

To Karin, the well-being of a company’s bottom line is intricately connected to the well-being of its employees. This perspective underscores her commitment to fostering a culture of growth and empowerment at every level. For Karin, the ultimate goal for Evoloshen is continued expansion, transcending borders to serve clients across the globe. She envisions Evoloshen gaining international recognition for its transformative approach, empowering progressive CEOs and leaders by providing training that empowers individuals both professionally and personally.