US Judge Gives Green Light to $75 Million Settlement Between Deutsche Bank and Epstein Accusers


In a significant legal development, Deutsche Bank has received the final approval from U.S. District Judge Jed Rakoff for a $75 million settlement.

This settlement comes in response to accusations that the bank was facilitating the alleged sex trafficking activities of the late financier, Jeffrey Epstein. While Deutsche Bank did not admit any wrongdoing, the legal authorities have approved the settlement.


The settlement primarily concerns the victims of Jeffrey Epstein, who have long accused the German financial institution of complicity in Epstein’s alleged sex trafficking endeavors. This approval marks the culmination of a process that began with preliminary consent granted by Judge Rakoff in June.

A “Terrific Settlement”

During the court hearing in Manhattan, Judge Jed Rakoff expressed his satisfaction with the settlement, stating, “This is, in the court’s view, a terrific settlement.” This affirmation underscores the significance of the resolution reached in this case.

Victims Covered by the Settlement

The settlement seeks to address the grievances of women who claim to have been sexually abused or trafficked by Jeffrey Epstein or his associates between August 19, 2013, and his tragic demise in a Manhattan jail six years later.

Epstein was awaiting trial on charges related to the trafficking of young women and teenage girls for sexual exploitation when he died, with New York City’s medical examiner ruling his death as a suicide.

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The Lawsuit and Lead Plaintiff

The legal action was spearheaded by a woman known as Jane Doe 1. She alleged that Epstein had sexually abused her from 2003 to 2018 and accused Deutsche Bank of overlooking red flags associated with his actions. Epstein had been a Deutsche Bank client from 2013 to 2018, following a 15-year association with JPMorgan Chase.

Deutsche Bank’s Acknowledgment

Deutsche Bank has openly admitted to making an error by accepting Epstein as a client. This is a step toward acknowledging their involvement with Epstein’s financial affairs.

Legal Fees and Representation

Judge Rakoff has also approved the legal fees for the women’s attorneys, which amount to 30% of the settlement. David Boies, one of the lawyers involved, stressed that this case serves as a “wake-up call for banks,” reminding them of the importance of scrutinizing their clients and activities.

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Broader Implications

This settlement is part of a broader legal landscape concerning financial institutions’ roles in Epstein’s affairs. JPMorgan faced similar allegations earlier and agreed to a $75 million settlement with the U.S. Virgin Islands.

The bank regretted its association with Epstein, signaling that institutions are now more alert to their client’s activities and reputations.

The final approval of Deutsche Bank’s $75 million settlement is a significant step in the ongoing legal proceedings related to Jeffrey Epstein’s activities. While the bank does not admit wrongdoing, the resolution signals a growing awareness within the banking industry of the need to monitor their clients more closely.