Human Metapneumovirus: What is it? What You Should Know About the Virus that Slipped through Everyone’s Notice

Discover the elusive Human Metapneumovirus: Learn about this unnoticed respiratory virus and stay informed about its risks and symptoms.

Everyone was focused on diseases like flu and RSV during the winter months However, Americans may have missed a vital pathogen called Human metapneumovirus, also known as hMPV.

The Centers for Disease Control and Prevention this week announced an increase in the number of cases of hMPV across the country during the season of winter and spring experts believe this could be due to an increase in people’s capacity to detect different viruses.

Dr. Rick Malley, an infectious disease expert at Boston Children’s Hospital, stated that “there is a much greater focus on identifying the cause of (infections) than we’ve ever had.”

He attributes that focus to the COVID-19 epidemic.

I think that you’re hearing more about this particular virus because the importance of other viruses and the diseases they cause have diminished, the speaker continued.

This article will provide all the information you need regarding the virus-causing respiratory illness that was through the air this year with regard to symptoms and transmission and treatment.

What is Human Metapneumovirus, also known as hMPV?

Human metapneumovirus, also known as hMPV, is an infection that is affecting those with the respiratory and respiratory tract in the words of the CDC. While it can affect anyone of all ages, the agency declares that young children, elderly adults, and those with weak immune systems are more at risk.

According to the CDC, HMPV is a member of the Pneumoviridae family, which also includes breathing syncytial viruses, and was first discovered in 2001.

Human Metapneumovirus is just the Result of a Cold? What are the Symptoms of hMPV?

The American Lung Association states that mild symptoms resembling a cold are the norm for people with hMPV. For healthy people, symptoms typically last two to five days and disappear on their own.

The CDC suggests that the most common symptoms are:

  • Cough
  • Fever
  • Nasal congestion
  • Breathlessness

Young children, elderly adults, and those who have weak immune systems are at a higher risk of getting more severe illnesses and can suffer from asthmatic wheezing, breathing difficulties, and the occurrence of asthma-related flare-ups.

The American Lung Association reported that secondary illnesses, such as bronchiolitis, bronchitis, and pneumonia, can also be present and may require medical attention.

Read, FDA Approves Paxlovid for High-Risk Adult Covid Treatment

What is the Human Metapneumovirus Spread?

As with other respiratory viruses, hMPV is typically spread from person to person via:

  • Contact with an infected person
  • Coughing
  • Sneezing
  • In the event of touching objects, you’ll get the virus

The CDC states that this virus is most likely to spread in the winter and spring, just like RSV, the flu RSV and cold-related viruses.

Do you require Antibiotics to Treat Human Metapneumovirus?

There is no treatment for antiviral for hMPV or a vaccine to stop the infection according to the CDC.

Because symptoms of hMPV typically resolve without treatment, however, they are not a cause for concern. American Lung Association says treatment generally consists of medications available over-the-counter to manage fever, pain, and congestion.

Medical attention is recommended for patients who experience more severe symptoms, such as wheezing. A doctor can prescribe an inhaler for a short period and steroids as per the American Lung Association.

Malley explained that antibiotics are used to treat infections caused by bacteria, but not viral ones. However, HMPV is associated with an increased risk of developing pneumonia caused by bacterial bacteria, which doctors typically treat with antibiotics.

“This virus may be a very important co-conspirator in causing pneumonia, particularly pneumococcal pneumonia,” the physician stated. “Just because a person has a virus doesn’t necessarily mean that there isn’t a bacterium nearby.”

Read, AstraZeneca’s COVID Antibody Protects Immune-Compromised

FDA Approves Paxlovid for High-Risk Adult Covid Treatment

The FDA first released Paxlovid available under an emergency authorization for use. The new ruling means that numerous studies prove that the drug is safe and effective.

Paxlovid, an antiviral drug made by Pfizer’s Covid, received full approval from the Food and Drug Administration on Thursday for use in people who are at high risk of developing a severe case of the virus.

Medical guidelines recommend Paxlovid for the treatment of moderate to mild Covid in adults over 50 years old and those with specific medical conditions that increase their risk of hospitalization or death from Covid.

This includes those with heart disease, diabetes, or cancer, as well as a flawed immune system.

Up to 75% of adults in the United States are at very high risk of developing severe COVID.

The FDA first released Paxlovid available in December 2021, under emergency use approval for people at high risk aged 12 and over. Following the results of an early clinical trial, the FDA swiftly approved the treatment with this designation.

The FDA’s recent decision means there’s now ample research evidence that suggests Paxlovid is safe and effective.

The treatment comprises two medicines: Nirmatrelvir, which blocks an important enzyme required by the Covid virus for reproduction, and ritonavir, which enhances the first medication’s capacity to fight off the disease.

Both Pfizer as well as the FDA consider the treatment an important tool in addition in conjunction with vaccination. It can help those at-risk Americans to manage their Covid illnesses and eventually save lives.

According to January estimates from FDA researchers, Paxlovid may “lead to 1,500 lives saved and 13,000 hospitalizations averted each week” in the United States using Covid rates.

It’s not clear what the future developments will be like later this year.

The U.S. has 1.1 million doses of the treatment everyone for free. When the government exhausts that, it will move Paxlovid’s distribution into the market for commercial use.

This implies that Pfizer will offer Paxlovid straight to healthcare professionals at a cost the company hasn’t yet disclosed. The current price for a course of Paxlovid is around $530.

Pfizer has seen Paxlovid sales increase to almost $19 billion by 2022. However, it expects sales of the medicine to decline by 58% by 2023

In March an advisory panel composed of independent experts of the FDA suggested the treatment in light of three of Pfizer’s clinical studies.

One study investigated the risk of high-risk individuals who had not received vaccination and had no prior Covid infection.

The study found that Paxlovid decreased the chance of hospitalization or death by:

  • 86% among patients who were treated in the first five days following initial symptoms.
  • 89% of patients were treated within 3 days, as per an FDA examination of data from the company.

There were no significant safety issues discovered in the study, as per the review. However, the agency did flag 137 medicines that could result in serious adverse reactions if combined with Paxlovid.

The FDA stated that the most commonly used medications that caused safety concerns included:

  1. Immunosuppressants, which are frequently employed to treat HIV.
  2. Immunosuppressants used in patients undergoing organ transplants.

The Office for Surveillance and Epidemiology of the FDA reported 271 cases of serious adverse events that interactions between drugs and Paxlovid could cause. This included six deaths and 147 hospitalizations at the end of January.

Altering the dosage of specific drugs and increasing the monitoring of patients. Making sure that labeling on products provides patients and their prescribers with information about possible interactions between drugs.

Some doctors have another aspect of concern: “rebound cases” of Paxlovid. That’s when patients who receive the medication notice that their Covid symptoms recur or they test positive shortly after their initial recovery.

The reports of these cases came in the days following Paxlovid first came on the market.

President Joe Biden and Dr. Anthony Fauci, his former chief medical advisor, both appeared to be able to recover from Covid after consuming the antiviral drink, but they later tested positive again.

The FDA review of Pfizer’s clinical trials found that the overall rate of comeback varied between 10 and 16 percent. Those who took Paxlovid compared to those who received a placebo observed no evidence of a higher rate of symptom rebound or moderate symptom rebound.

As per an FDA review, the results were valid regardless of the risks of getting sick. It was also valid regardless of whether the Omicron variant or a prior variant of the virus was dominant.

FDA Approves Over-the-Counter Narcan for Opioid Overdose Prevention

“The U.S. Food and Drug Administration (FDA) approved the sale of naloxone without providing a prescription, setting the overdose-reversing medicine on course to become the first treatment drug for opioids to be sold through the counter.”

The U.S. Food and Drug Administration (FDA) approved the sale of naloxone without providing a prescription, setting the overdose-reversing medicine on course to become the first treatment drug for opioids to be sold through the counter.

Also Read, Insomnia and Sleep Apnea like Sleep Disorders Increase in Women with MS

This measure has been taken to enhance access to life-saving medication, though the exact impact will not be clear immediately.


NARCAN is the best-known form of naloxone and an approved branded nasal spray manufactured by Emergent BioSolutions based in Maryland.

Naloxone has the capability to reverse overdoses of opioids including street medicine like fentanyl, heroin, and prescription versions of oxycodone.

Making naloxone widely accessible is being considered a key strategy to control the nationwide overdose crisis, which has caused over 100,000 deaths a year in the U.S. Most deaths have been because of opioids, primarily potent synthetic versions like fentanyl that can take multiple doses of naloxone to reverse.

Experts believe it’s significant to get Naloxone to people who may take overdoses of opioids, including those who use drugs and their similar versions.


Emergent BioSolutions said naloxone i.e. Narcan will be available at the counter by late summer.

Other versions of naloxone and injectable forms will still take time to be available over the counter. 

Harm Reduction Therapeutics Inc., a nonprofit organization backed by Purdue Pharma, the OxyContin maker, has applied before the FDA to distribute its version of spray naloxone without a prescription.

WCHC arranges Nourish Boxes for patients

Washington County Hospital and Clinics has taken a very helpful step for patients. They have launched an initiative where they are offering a food assistance program for patients. Keeping the nutrition in mind they have arranged “Nourish Boxes,“ with enough to feed a person for roughly a week, funded by the hospital foundation, the nonprofit associated with the institution.

WCHC Diabetes Educator Amy Martin said, “To not have food can cause some real health concerns for (people with) too-low blood sugar,” Martin added. “It’s got the food groups included in it, enough to nourish them and be a good compromise. Sometimes, for some people, it’s not about eating the right things, it’s about eating at all.”

The program was inspired by diabetic patients’ needs. “We’re going to have a box at each of our clinics as well as the inpatient side and the emergency room,” she said. “If staff is identifying that someone is having an issue or is identifying that they don’t have enough food, then we can provide them a box.”

Though food banks are available, “said some people were unwilling or unable to use them.

“Many patients don’t have transportation to get there, or, often, it’s embarrassing, they don’t want to tell somebody that they don’t have food,” she said. “We wanted to be able to help them.”

As reported by Southeast Iowa Union, “Martin said the hospital would take a report back to its foundation next year on the program’s use and impact. That data will decide whether funding for the food boxes continues, and how much money it will get if it does.

The food is purchased from a rotation of grocery stores in the Washington area.”

“Our goal is to keep the cost of those boxes to about $35 a box,” Martin said. “So we purchased food for the first 25 boxes, and will get more when we need more, I just don’t have the space in my office to store any more.”

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After COVID-19, FLU is the new primary respiratory illness in US

Figures are indicating that in the United States more people are falling seriously ill with the flu than with COVID-19.



According to The Globe and Mail, “Figures collected by the U.S. Centers for Disease Control and Prevention show that the weekly rate of hospitalizations for the flu has reached 5.9 per 100,000 people, a level not seen at this time of year in more than a decade.

For COVID-19, however, the rate has fallen to 4.3 per 100,000, far below the January high of 34.8. The figures for both the flu and COVID-19 are for the week ending Dec. 3, the most recent data available.

The dwindling severity of COVID-19 comes after President Joe Biden said in September that “the pandemic is over.”

Numbers of COVID-19 cases in the U.S. have been on the rise in recent weeks, with nearly 5,000 daily hospital admissions. But for COVID-19 to qualify as a pandemic virus, “the threshold would be that it is still causing hospitals to be completely disrupted,” said Amesh Adalja, an infectious disease specialist at Johns Hopkins Center for Health Security. “And I don’t think COVID-19 has been doing that for some time.”

We have “ceased seeing hospitals being under siege by the virus,” he added.”


The case of COVID-19 now

They also said, “The decreasing severity of COVID-19 is a result of broad exposure to the virus and effective ways to treat it. A large percentage of the world’s population has now either been infected by COVID-19 or immunized against it.

In November, the World Health Organization reported a 90-per-cent drop in COVID-19 deaths, compared to nine months before. More than 70 per cent of the world’s population has now been vaccinated in some form.

New variants emerging today “are much easier to handle because of the immunity in the population,” Dr. Adalja said.”

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Days of wearing masks are coming back

Though people thought that days of wearing masks are gone, the days of wearing masks are coming back with Flu and RSV contamination.

According to NBC News, “Entering the holiday season last year, surging Covid-19 cases overwhelmed hospitals. This year, hospitals have been overwhelmed by a combination of Covid, respiratory syncytial virus (RSV) and the flu. Along with RSV, the record number of flu cases pushing pediatric hospitals near to capacity is a worrisome signal that the current flu season will be the worst in years. Facing a particularly acute crisis, pediatric hospitals have called upon President Joe Biden to declare an emergency to provide more resources to respond to the current surges.

This “tripledemic” of flu, Covid and RSV is a reminder that even as the pandemic ends, the threat of seasonal respiratory viruses remains. Thankfully, our toolkit for tackling them is similar to what works to suppress Covid alone, starting with the most basic and flexible level of protection: masking. When and where respiratory viruses are surging, mask mandates should be reinstated.”



They also said, “In a typical year, RSV causes up to 80,000 hospitalizations and 300 deaths among children under 5, and up to 10,000 deaths and 120,000 hospitalizations among adults age 65 and older. As with flu and now Covid, individual adverse outcomes are rare relative to the number of cases, but more spread and more infections means more people experience serious outcomes. Even with the pandemic receding, an average of 300 people are still dying from Covid every day. Unvaccinated people face six times the risk of death according to recent data, but many people dying now are vaccinated as well.”

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Rising number of Covid-19 patients are concerning the experts

Suddenly, there have been seen a increase in covid-19 patients at U.S. hospitals arriving even as health systems contend with waves of feverish, coughing people stricken with RSV and influenza infections.


Increasing number of Patients

According to Washington Post, “Covid hospitalizations last week reached their highest level in three months, with more than 35,000 patients being treated, according to Washington Post data tracking. National hospitalizations had stagnated throughout fall but started rising in the days leading up to Thanksgiving. All but a few states reported per capita increases in the past week.

Public health authorities are concerned that the increase in the number of covid patients will worsen the strain on hospitals already under pressure from the effects of two other viral ailments, influenza and respiratory syncytial virus, widely known as RSV.”


Experts Observation

“It could be in a week or two we are seeing many more covid patients than we are seeing RSV or flu, but the real concern is we will see a large influx of all of them really stressing out the hospitals’ capacity to care for these very sick patients,” said Foster, the association’s vice president of quality and patient safety policy.

“If we are going to see a big surge, it’s going to start to ramp up now, and it’s going to extend and probably peak in late December and early January,” said Columbia University epidemiologist Jeffrey Shaman. “The hope will be it will be somewhat mild, of course, and enough boosting and prior exposure is going to keep a large chunk of people out of the hospital.”

“What is happening this winter already and what we can continue to expect is influenza and RSV are not going to be at unprecedented low levels,” said Banner Chief Clinical Officer Marjorie Bessel. “We are going to have a high-volume winter like we have had previously in the pandemic. How much of a high volume due to all this coming together is an unknown.”

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The health department of New Mexico has issued an emergency

The New Mexico Department of Health (NMDOH) said that a public health emergency is there. So they issued a public health emergency order on Thursday. Officials said there is a notable strain on the healthcare system at this time. Due to the spike in pediatric cases and hospitalizations of respiratory viruses, NMDOH declared an emergency order. One of the viruses known to affect small children and babies is a respiratory syncytial virus (RSV). RSV is spread through droplets produced by coughing and sneezing.

“We expand our social networks during the holidays, which is an important part of nurturing ourselves as human beings living in a complex world. However, at the same time we create more opportunities for respiratory viruses to spread,” said Acting Department of Health Secretary David Scrase, “It’s important to take steps to reduce the risk for respiratory viruses by practicing the good health and hygiene habits we’ve learned over the past few years as New Mexico nurses, doctors and hospital staff are facing another surge.”

“In light of the increasing numbers of children being hospitalized with RSV, and the number of children presenting to the Emergency Departments statewide, it is really important at this time to take these precautions recommended by the New Mexico Department of Health, especially not exposing our children to others that are currently experiencing respiratory symptoms,” said CHRISTUS St. Vincent Chief Medical Officer David Gonzales.

According to KRQE News,”The order was issued because hospitals and emergency rooms are being strained as they are seeing a surge in respiratory viruses.”

They also said, “New Mexico saw RSV cases begin to increase in October and November alongside other respiratory illnesses like COVID-19 and influenza.”

Now it is time to see that in the post Covid-19 era how the people react to this new of emergency.

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Zombie Virus is in trend now

Zombie Virus is in trend now and everywhere in the news. Added to that netizens are doing there preparation as #Zombievirus trends on Twitter.


History about Zombie Virus

According to Microsoft News, “Just when everyone thought that the worst was over after the decrease in Coronavirus cases, a new virus has been unearthed by scientists that will refresh your nightmares. The virus (nicknamed as Zombie Virus) was found frozen under a lake more than 48,500 years ago from permafrost in the Siberia region of Russia. Now, we know what you are thinking – what was the need to go digging around such places that could bring more nuisances to humans? But we guess it’s a bit too late for that thought.

Anyway, dubbed as Pandoravirus Yedoma, this virus has been considered as the oldest one to be discovered. Now, netizens have made a beeline to express their opinions about the matter on Twitter. While some pointed out that the incident was probably a kickstart to the apocalyptic situation portrayed in Hollywood movies, others were convinced that Doomsday is upon us.

Many also pointed out that a similar kind of situation was shown in the popular cartoon series The Simpsons a few years ago. Another prediction proved right, it seems!”

They have also listed some memes which are trending on Twitter. The links are listed below


After seeing #zombievirus is trending :

— Mr. Stark (@Mr_Stark_) November 30, 2022


#zombievirus #Zombie_Virus

When you survived in Covid Virus and then you see Zombie Virus

— Author (@how_humans) November 30, 2022


Scientists in Russia revive 48,000 year old #zombievirus

Humans :

— UmderTamker (@jhampakjhum) November 30, 2022


Russian Scientists after discovering #zombievirus :

— Aditi (@designbyaditea) November 30, 2022


Everyone making memes on #zombievirus .

Le scientists :

— Raja Babu Bihar Waale 😎 (@RajaBabu_420) November 30, 2022


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8 Ways How You Can Boost Your Immunity and Healthy in this Winter

With the winters currently here, we really want to help our insusceptibility and raise our wellbeing as well as way of life to shield ourselves from sicknesses and infections. With the impending winter, it is critical to keep up with your insusceptible framework to forestall getting a typical bug along with additional difficult diseases. So what are far to support your safe framework for the impending winter? What’s more, for what reason is it essential to have a more grounded invulnerable framework?


It’s that season again when we begin to see a great deal of colds and influenza going around. While nobody knows precisely why colds and influenza appear all the more habitually throughout the colder time of year season, many elements contribute. The colder temperatures drive us inside, windows are closed and the intensity is turned on. The excessively dry indoor air can be challenging for the bodily fluid layers of the nose and throat making miniature harm tissues. The chilly, dry outside air – albeit lively and invigorating – can likewise bother aviation route entries expanding powerlessness to infections and microscopic organisms. Weighty apparel covering our skin from the couple of long stretches of daylight during short cold weather days improves the probability of a lack of vitamin D, which lessens insusceptible reaction.


As temperatures plunge and the days develop more limited, the colder time of year season can turn into a hotbed of cold and seasonal infections. The uplifting news? There are a few basic precaution estimates you can take to help your safe framework, fight off infection, and remain solid — even through the coldest months of the year.


  1. Clean up

Make a propensity for cleaning up each opportunity you get back home or utilize the restroom, and when each feast. Utilize warm water and cleanser and scour your hands for something like 20 seconds. Do whatever it takes not to contact your face when you’re outside.


  1. Wear a cover

Without an immunization accessible to the overall population, at this moment, wearing a cover and complying to social separating rules is our best insurance against Coronavirus. These safeguards as well as being watchful about cleaning up, can likewise help safeguard against the normal cold and occasional influenza.


  1. Have your yearly influenza chance

“With in excess of 40,000 passings from flu consistently, having this season’s virus chance is a superb defensive measure,” says CityMD Clinical Chief for Manhattan Dr. Janette Nesheiwat. “This season, it’s Coronavirus going around, yet additionally numerous other infections like flu and rhinovirus,” she says. “The last thing you need is to have two simultaneously, which copies your gamble of difficulties.”

Extreme confusions from flu can likewise happen for those with heart or lung infection, diabetes, or pregnancy, as well as individuals north of 65. It’s critical to have another influenza chance consistently with the goal that your insusceptible framework is adjusted to the most recent strains.


  1. Get sufficient rest

Getting sufficient rest is basic for keeping your invulnerable framework solid and sound since your body recovers when you rest, says Dr. Nesheiwat. Go for the gold seven to eight hours of shuteye an evening and follow great rest cleanliness, including keeping blue light-emanating gadgets out of the room.


  1. Drink up

Water carries out two significant roles in your body: it conveys oxygen to your cells and flushes microscopic organisms and disease causing poisons from them. Keep your body very much hydrated by drinking 8-10 glasses water everyday. In the meantime, attempt to restrict your liquor utilization and abstain from smoking, as the two exercises can dry out your body.


  1. Get dynamic

Go for the gold 30 minutes per day of moderate activity, such as strolling, climbing, or yoga. By supporting your blood stream, exercise can assist with empowering the creation of white platelets, which shield your body from infection.


  1. Eat a reasonable, nutrient filled diet

Food varieties that are high in L-ascorbic acid and cell reinforcements have resistant supporting properties as well as the capacity to battle illness causing free extremists and irritation inside your body. Stay away from southern style or handled food sources high in sugar and fat. All things being equal, pick bright foods grown from the ground as well as intense superfoods like blueberries and pomegranates.

“Concentrates on show echinacea, garlic, and green tea can assist with forestalling a straightforward cold, yet they will do nothing for you once you as of now have it,” says Culmination Wellbeing allergist/immunologist Dr. Neil Minikes. “At the point when I become ill, I go after a bowl of sustaining, mineral-rich chicken soup to encourage me.”


  1. Think about taking enhancements

A multi-nutrient can be extremely useful for helping the invulnerable framework all year, says Dr. Minikes, however he adds that the people who are as of now following an even eating regimen may not require it. Expanded utilization of zinc has been displayed to help in fending off respiratory infections, while added nutrients C, D, and B12 might be advantageous “assuming that you’re feeling sick,” he says. “A great deal of promoting has been utilized to push supplements without a ton of science to back up their cases. Be that as it may, vitamin D, which we really want a greater amount of in the colder time of year as we get diminished openness to daylight, has been displayed to influence the safe framework in a positive manner.”


This colder time of year, it is essential to focus on supporting your resistant framework. The most ideal ways to help your safe framework are to remain hydrated, get great rest, eat soundly, decrease your pressure, and remain dynamic.

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Symptoms of Flu. Covid and RSV in kids

In post Covid-19 time it is very important for parents to know the exact symptoms of different diseases like normal flu, Covid-19 or RSV.

When the children come home with a runny nose, if the parents know the symptoms, it will be easy for them to take steps.


RSV symptoms in kids

RSV is very contagious and a common illness in children, with most having had an RSV infection by their second birthday, per the Centers for Disease Control and Prevention.

The symptoms include a runny nose, decrease in appetite, coughing, sneezing, fever and wheezing, per the CDC.

Most RSV infections go away within a week or two, but the CDC recommends parents call their healthcare provider if their child “is having difficulty breathing, not drinking enough fluids, or experiencing worsening symptoms.”

The symptoms of RSV usually come on gradually and they show up within 4 to 6 days after becoming infected.


Flu symptoms in kids

Symptoms of the flu typically come on suddenly, which is perhaps its biggest distinction from RSV, per Health Partners.

Flu symptoms can include fever, cough, sore throat, runny or stuffy nose, body aches, headache, chills, feeling tired and sometimes vomiting and diarrhea, per the CDC.

Flu symptoms typically develop about 1 to 4 days after being exposed to a sick person.

“Even healthy children can get very sick from flu,” the CDC warns.

The CDC says that parents should take their children to the emergency room if they are experiencing fast or trouble breathing, bluish lips or face, ribs pulling in with each breath and chest pain, among other symptoms.


COVID-19 symptoms in kids

The most common symptoms of COVID-19 in children include fever and cough, but children can also experience sore throat, headache, fatigue or gastrointestinal symptoms, per the CDC.

Be smart: One of the best ways to protect your family is to stay up-to-date on your flu and COVID shots.

The CDC also recommends parents get their child tested if they develop symptoms, as that is the best way to know whether it is the flu or COVID-19.

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Health Connect by Google, will integrate all fitness and health apps

Google has introduced a new health app, Health Connect, where you can get All Health & Fitness Apps at one place. It integrates more than ten health, fitness, and wellness apps including Fitbit, Samsung Health, MyFitnessPal, Peloton, Oura, Flo, Lifesum etc.


App information

According to GizmoChina, “The Google Health Connect app weighs only 3MB in beta version. Smartwatch and fitness tracker users have to rely on various apps for monitoring various health-related metrics. This is where the Health Connect app comes in place. It aims to reduce users’ dependency on different apps to manage their health data. It allows users to share health and fitness data across Android devices with user consent. The app shows the permissions that are granted to each health and fitness app on the device. Any single permission, including those for heart rate, sleep, steps, calories burned, etc., can be granted or revoked through it. The health data stored via Health Connect can be deleted at any time.

The Google Health Connect app supports more than 40 data types spanning six categories. It aims to give users more in-depth health insights and keep track of things like workout, sleep patterns, and other vital signs.”



According to Times of India, “Google says that the idea is to enable health and fitness apps to talk to each other, each app is able to provide a user with better, more holistic health insights. Earlier, developers had to work with multiple API connections to share data between different. As per Google, “each integration was costly to build and maintain, limited developers’ data sharing capabilities and made it hard for users to unlock this data so that it could be utilized in different apps.

Android users will now be able to sync and get credit for their Peloton workouts in apps like Oura, MyFitnessPal, WeightWatchers and Lifesum.”


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